Monday 16 May 2016

FARM TO FRIDGE – Don’t watch this if are an animal lover 18+


FARM TO FRIDGE – Don’t watch this if are an animal lover 18+


Farm to fridge / of the farm to the fridge – the truth behind the products of animal origin

The 12 minute video shows what happens behind the scenes view of the industries, which exploit chickens, pigs, cows, fish, in addition to slaughterhouses and poultry incubators, bringing to light what these industries are hiding from the public.

Share  this page Farm to Fridge on your own Facebook page. The “Share on Facebook” button can be found at the bottom of this page. Also consider sharing on other social networking platforms such as Twitter.

The images were obtained with hidden cameras and show the suffering of defenseless beings  feed a consumerist market multi-Millionaire

No scruples and respect for life.

The purpose of the video is to challenge the view that society has such animals and elevate the discussion on the ethics of the origin of our food, in addition to show who really pays the price of these products.

Using the power of video to inspire compassion and create long-term social change is easier than you think! One viewer writes, “I just wanted to share a small victory from [Farm to Fridge] – that would be my brother of all people watching part of it and questioning his way of eating … [A]fter making it to the poultry part of the MFA video, he called me and said he was horrified and wants to sit down and have a conversation about going vegetarian.” The viewer simply shared Farm to Fridge on Facebook.

We can judge the heart of a man by how he treats animals.

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