Monday, 16 May 2016

A World Without Language Barriers


A World Without Language Barriers

Finally a tools that I can use to learn new language


Be the first to experience a new kind of wearable technology. Reserve a place in line for our limited pre-sale.

A Life Untethered

The Pilot comes with an additional earpiece for wireless streaming music and an accompanying app, which toggles between languages.

Product Development. Electrical Engineering. Mechanical Engineering. Software Engineering. Computer Science. Machine Translation. Design. Manufacturing.
2 years of research and development to change the way we communicate.
Early Bird Waitlist

Enter to Win a FREE Pair!

We’ll be launching our early bird pre-order soon, but it’s first come first serve. Signup on the waitlist and be entered to win a FREE pair!

The Facebook community has been tremendous, and over the course of a few days we have reached 3.4M people and over 1.1M views! Also, you guys have shared our video over 30,000 times! That’s so exciting and we couldn’t have asked for more. BUT, we’ve had a lot of questions regarding the early bird campaign we’re launching, SO we want to answer all of your questions now:
1. How much will it cost?
Retail is expected to be $249-$299
2. How much is the early bird?
Early bird will be first come first serve. A limited quantity will go for $129, then another round for $149, and then a few more Late Early Bird options for $179+. Signup here:
3. When can I preorder the Pilot?
The preorder campaign is scheduled to launch on May 25th. We will keep everyone updated via email. As long as you have signed up for the launch then you will be alerted.
4. When will they be delivered?
We are releasing a translation app this summer for basic translation. This is included in your purchase. However, the earpieces require much more testing, manufacturing and production time. Therefore, we anticipate the earliest will be in late fall/early winter, although fulfilling all orders could take until next spring. Again, it is first come first serve.
5. What’s included?
The full package includes the Pilot and secondary earpiece (2 earpieces total), 1 portable charger, and an accompanying app. The app is where the languages are downloaded for the earpiece.
6. What languages will be supported?
We are first introducing latin/romance languages this summer (English, Spanish, French, Italian, etc), however additional languages will be available very soon after, including East Asian, Hindi, Semitic, Arabic, Slavic, African, etc.
NOTE: Additional language packs will be available for a premium fee, however ALL early adopters who order during our launch campaign on May 25th will always receive these new language packs FREE.
7. Will it translate for my dialect?
Every language has various dialects and the earpiece is designed to translate common dialects, although thick accents could disrupt this.
8. How does it work?
The first generation works only when you are speaking to someone who also has an earpiece. That is why the package comes with two earpieces. Future generations of the earpiece will be updated to listen to EVERYTHING happening around you, not just the person you are talking to.
9. What if the other person doesn’t have an earpiece?
The app can be used on their phone, but of course, the whole purpose of an earpiece is to have the face-to-face interaction without having to use a phone like a zombie!
10. Does it work offline?
Yes it is designed to work offline for overseas use.
(We’ll keep this page updated. Please check back for further details)

shenzhen plant one

It’s actually quitea tedious process of vetting manufacturers to ensure they have the capabilities to mass produce what you’ve been developing. It’s not as easy as it sounds – each manufacturer specializes in different fields, and since our tech is so different … let’s just say that we want to ensure we’re paying for the best quality work. Anyway, he came back from half-way across the globe and all we got were these lousy photos. (Just kidding Bill!) He also brought back to the states some of our prototypes, which you can see in the images, and some quick snapshots of the plants he visited.
Bill, our Electrical Engineer, who by the way is an expert at what’s known in the biz as DFMA (designing for manufacturing and assembly) … just saying … spent a few weeks in Shenzhen, China, which is pretty much the manufacturing capital for consumer electronics. He was there speaking with his manufacturing partners and getting our prototypes ready for the early stages of engineering validation testing (EVT). This is all a bit technical, but basically it’s just about making sure our prototypes are ready for testing, testing and more testing.


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